Pre-Kindergarten Program

Rocky Christian School is excited to provide a Pre-Kindergarten Program!
If you have a child who will turn four before December 31, 2024 (born in 2020) who you would like to register for pre-Kindergarten, please do so at the earliest possible time.
- Class size will be capped at 18
- Children born in 2021 may register, but due to funding, priority will be given to four-year olds and students with complex needs who are either three or four.
- If spaces are available, children without complex needs will be admitted on August 1st. Please register your 3-year olds as soon as possible as registration will be first-come, first served.
The program will include 475 hours of available instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and some Fridays. While the program is available from 8:45 to 3:30, parents may opt for shorter days.
The cost will be $100/month. Students with complex needs for whom we receive additional funding can expect costs to be about half of that. We are in the process of having the program accredited which will reduce the costs further.
Please do not hesitate to call the school for more information.